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If a nursing home has no deficiencies, it means that it met the minimum standards at the time of the inspection. Inspections don't identify nursing homes that give outstanding care. Provide notification to all those who received the initial notice of intent to close that DPH has approved the closure plan.
We collect and verify reviews directly from users on our website. We have also included results from around the Web to give you the clearest overall picture of how this provider performs. Can include music therapy, pet therapy, board games, and outdoor excursions.
Community Highlights
Search other Skilled Nursing Facilities located closest to Oxford, MA. By using our website, you agree to the terms of use and privacy policy. The complaints and incidents for this facility are tallied in the table above. Stars compared to the MA average of 3.27 and a National average of 3.12.

Sandalwood Care And Rehabilitation Center’s mission is to provide excellent care in a safe, respectful and compassionate manner. The goal of Sandalwood Care And Rehabilitation Center is to enrich and improve the quality of life for their elderly residents. Provided by CMS & Medicare, our data is regularly updated to help you find the best health care that's right for you and those important to you. Compare and see how the quality of care at ROYAL SANDALWOOD CENTER scored versus its State and National averages. We have found local resources that can help you evaluate Royal Sandalwood Center. Close proximity to hospitals and places of worship can be helpful in evaluating a provider.
The quality measures have been validated and are based on the best research currently available. The approximate monthly cost of care for this provider is around $11,134. The Oxford estimate for this type of care is around $9,415. The average estimated cost of care across Massachusetts is about $8,994, which is greater than the national average of $5,718. Skilled nurses, therapists and licensed care professionals are available to guide you through your personalized therapy. Whether you’re recovering after a hospital visit or in need of on-going medical support, Sandalwood Center will help you achieve your personal goals.

Sandalwood Care And Rehabilitation Center should be able to accommodate your Loved One with transportation to and from doctor’s appointments, shopping and religious worship services. We are paid by our participating communities, therefore our service is offered at no charge to families. After the facility has completed all required notifications, it can begin to work with residents and/or the residents’ legal representatives to begin finding alternative placement for residents. Search other Skilled Nursing Homes located closest to Oxford, Massachusetts. Royal Sandalwood Center is ranked 385 out of total 403 Nursing Homes Facilities in the city of Oxford, 728 out of 765 facilities within 100 mile radius and 373 out of 395 facilities within the state of Massachusetts. does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act .
Sandalwood Care And Rehabilitation Center is licensed for up to 77 residents and is a large care facility. This care community aims to provide peace of mind to its residents and family members. Sandalwood Care And Rehabilitation Center provides a variety of senior care services including activities and home cooked meals for their residents. Sandalwood Center, located in Oxford, MA, is a residential facility for older adults who require daily care assistance.

Medicare-covered services include semi-private room, skilled nursing care and other therapy services. The quality ratings gives you an indication of the care ROYAL SANDALWOOD CENTER give to their patients incomparison to other nursing homes. This quality rating is based on health inspections, quality measures and staffing survey conducted by CMS. ROYAL SANDALWOOD CENTER in OXFORD, MA is a For profit - Corporation, Medicare Certified, nursing home operating with 65 residents and 77 certified beds. Its legal business name is LOWN ACQUISITION LLC. This facility has been certified to participate in Medicare and Medicaid programs since July 01, 1990 and has been given a below average rating of 1-Stars.
Nursing Home Information
Facilities can be owned by corporations, corporations that are not for profit, religious affiliated organizations and government entities. In order to determine if the nursing home is up to standards you must evaluate the nursing home and most important of all visit it in person. We are a Free service to the community and provide free care options to Seniors and Families at No Charge. We are compensated by participating senior living facilities and vendors.

Local fire safety specialists evaluate whether a nursing home facility passes Life Safety Code rules enacted by the National Fire Protection Agency . These quality measures were selected because they are important. They show ways in which nursing homes are different from one another. There are things that nursing homes can do to improve their quality measure percentages.
Sandalwood Center located in Oxford, MA, in Worcester County, offers a variety of therapies and care services to help you regain your independence. In 2016, ROYAL SANDALWOOD CENTER charged a total of $581,431 for 29 Medicare Beneficiaries. The average age of residents at this skilled nursing facility is about 67. Each nursing home that provides services to people with Medicare or Medicaid is required to make the results of its last full inspection available at the nursing home for the public to review.

Three meals a day are offered to residents, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner. A complaint is a problem reported by residents, their families, and/or the staff of a nursing home. An incident, which is different from a complaint is a problem reported by the nursing home staff. Some complaints can lead to an enforcement action if it is determined that a nursing home isn’t complying with regulations.
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